Scaling the app down slightly at the end.As the bird grows, showing the app underneath.
#Framer js facebook thumbs up animation how to
There are a few major pieces in this that we will need to figure out how to build. The easiest way to see the subtlety is to slow it down. To understand how to build it, I first had to understand the difference pieces of the loading animation. I wanted to figure out how to recreate this loading animation with React Native. Once the app is ready, the Twitter logo delightfully expands, revealing the app. Twitter’s iOS app has a loading animation I quite enjoy. Implementing Twitter’s App Loading Animation in React Native React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile.React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app.Right-to-Left Layout Support For React Native Apps.Expo Talks: Adam on Unraveling Navigation.0.36: Headless JS, the Keyboard API, & more.Introducing Button, Faster Installs with Yarn, and a Public Roadmap.A Monthly Release Cadence: Releasing December and January RC.

React Native Performance in Marketplace.Implementing Twitter’s App Loading Animation in React Native.The State of the React Native Community in 2018.
#Framer js facebook thumbs up animation update